

I am a lost man(2) ~spend time wastefully~

I am a lost man who spends time wastefully.

Today, I did these things.

  1. go to the university to study statistics(about half and two hours in total
  2. play the piano a little
  3. enjoy playing smartphone games(Arknights, Nameko)

Uuuum, have I spent useful time? Maybe no.

Well, I don't want to write the glooming story more, so let's switch my mind.

I watched a piece of happening news that an elephant messed with a reporter during reporting time. It makes me happy and laugh. I want you to see too, so I paste the news link below.



Also, I make up my mind that I don't transfer better university. It is because many units that I get at now the university will come to nothing and it is hard to move house. In addition, I can study more and more voluntarily even at now the university.

By the way, do you know Japanese sexual PC games? I know that Japanese video games have widespread globally such as Mario and Pokemon. However, there are many "hentai" in Japan including me, so there is no reason not to develop sexual games. I don't know if other countries make them, but Japanese sexual games are very high quality. I often owe a lot to them produced by DMM.com(Actually today too).

Now, it's coming time to say goodbye. I'll do my best tomorrow and enjoy my life! you too? If so, you may be my friend. Bye!